The Best Surface for Your Garage

Introduction to Epoxy Flake Floors

Epoxy flake floors are revolutionizing the flooring industry with their durability, aesthetic appeal, and versatility. As a top choice for various residential and commercial spaces, these floors are particularly ideal for garages. Epoxy Plus Pro, the leading epoxy contractors in New Jersey and epoxy floor contractors in New York, specializes in installing these premium surfaces. On this page, we will explore why epoxy flake floors are the best option for your garage, the various flake combinations available, and the installation process.

Why Choose Epoxy Flake Floors for Your Garage?

Unmatched Durability

Epoxy flake floors are renowned for their exceptional strength and resilience. They can withstand heavy traffic, impacts, and chemical spills, making them perfect for garage floors. Unlike traditional concrete, which can crack and stain, epoxy floors maintain their integrity and appearance over time.

Aesthetic Appeal

The visual appeal of epoxy flake floors is unmatched. The decorative flakes embedded in the epoxy create a unique, textured look that can be customized to match any style or preference. Whether you prefer a subtle or bold design, epoxy flake floors offer endless possibilities.

Easy Maintenance

Maintaining epoxy flake floors is a breeze. Their seamless surface prevents dirt and grime from accumulating, and they can be easily cleaned with a mop and mild detergent. This makes them a practical choice for busy homeowners who want a low-maintenance garage floor.

Safety Features

Epoxy flake floors are not only beautiful and durable but also safe. The textured surface provides excellent traction, reducing the risk of slips and falls. Additionally, they are resistant to fire, making them a safer option for your garage.

Versatile Applications of Epoxy Flake Floors

While epoxy flake floors are ideal for garage floors, their versatility extends to various other applications. They are perfect for:

  • Basements
  • Workshops
  • Retail stores
  • Showrooms
  • Commercial kitchens
  • Hospitals

No matter where they are installed, epoxy flake floors offer a combination of beauty and functionality that is hard to beat.

Flake Combinations and Design Options

One of the most exciting aspects of epoxy flake floors is the variety of flake combinations available. At Epoxy Plus Pro, we offer a wide range of colors and sizes to create a custom look for your garage. Some popular options include:

Classic Combinations

Granite Series

Our Granite Series mimics the natural beauty of granite with a blend of black, white, and gray flakes. This classic combination adds a sophisticated touch to any garage floor.

Earth Tones

For a warm and inviting look, our Earth Tones series features a mix of browns, tans, and creams. This combination is perfect for creating a cozy, natural atmosphere in your garage.

Bold and Vibrant Choices

Tropical Series

If you want to make a statement, our Tropical Series offers vibrant blues, greens, and yellows. These bold colors can transform your garage into a lively and energetic space.

Custom Blends

At Epoxy Plus Pro, we understand that every homeowner has unique tastes. That's why we offer custom blends, allowing you to mix and match flakes to create a one-of-a-kind design that reflects your personality.

The Epoxy Flake Floor Installation Process

Step 1: Surface Preparation

The first step in installing epoxy flake floors is preparing the surface. This involves cleaning and repairing any cracks or imperfections in the concrete. A clean, smooth, but porous surface ensures optimal adhesion of the epoxy.

Step 2: Applying the Epoxy Base Coat

Once the surface is prepared, our skilled technicians apply the epoxy base coat. This layer serves as the foundation for the flakes and provides a durable, long-lasting surface.

Step 3: Broadcasting the Flakes

While the base coat is still wet, we broadcast the decorative flakes evenly across the surface. This step is crucial for achieving a uniform, textured look.

Step 4: Scraping and Vacuuming

After the base coat has cured, we scrape and vacuum the floor to remove any loose flakes. This ensures a smooth, even surface for the final topcoat.

Step 5: Applying the Topcoat

The final step is applying a clear topcoat to seal the flakes and provide additional protection. This topcoat enhances the floor's durability and gives it a glossy, professional finish.

Why Choose Epoxy Plus Pro?

As the leading epoxy contractors in New Jersey and epoxy floor contractors in New York, Epoxy Plus Pro is committed to delivering the highest quality epoxy flake floors. Our team of experienced professionals uses only the best materials and techniques to ensure a flawless installation every time.

Customer Satisfaction

We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service. From the initial consultation to the final inspection, we work closely with our clients to ensure their vision becomes a reality. Our dedication to customer satisfaction has earned us a reputation as the top epoxy floor contractor in the region.

Expertise and Experience

With years of experience in the industry, our team has the knowledge and expertise to handle any project, big or small. Whether you need a new garage floor or want to revamp your basement, we have the skills and resources to deliver outstanding results.

Quality Materials

At Epoxy Plus Pro, we use only the highest quality epoxy and flakes to ensure a durable and long-lasting floor. Our commitment to quality means you can trust that your epoxy flake floor will stand the test of time.


Epoxy flake floors are the perfect choice for anyone looking to enhance the appearance and functionality of their garage. With their durability, aesthetic appeal, and low maintenance, they offer a superior alternative to traditional concrete floors. At Epoxy Plus Pro, we are dedicated to providing top-notch epoxy flake floor installations in New Jersey and New York. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can transform your garage floor into a stunning, functional space.

By choosing Epoxy Plus Pro, you are investing in a high-quality, durable, and beautiful flooring solution that will enhance your home for years to come. Experience the difference of working with the best epoxy floor contractors in the region and enjoy a garage floor that truly stands out.

your dream garage starts here

Ready to upgrade your garage with a stunning and durable flake epoxy floor? Don’t wait any longer! Contact Epoxy Plus Pro today for a free consultation and discover how our expert team can transform your space with a top-quality flake garage floor. Enhance the beauty and functionality of your garage with the best epoxy floor contractors in New Jersey and New York. Click here to get started now and make your dream garage a reality!

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